Skilled Workers and their families compose the majority of new immigrants to Canada. They are chosen on their ability to become economically established in Canada. This program has undergone many changes and is now part of the Express Entry System.
- At least one year (1,560 hours total/30 hour per week) of full time or part time equivalent , in the last 10 years
- At a skill type that is 0, A or B of the National Occupational Classification (NOC)
- Paid Job
If the above is met, your application will be assessed under the the Point System.
All applicants under the Skilled Worker category is to pass a point system test which assess the applicant on six factors. If the applicant’s total score meets the pass mark which is set at 67 out of 100 points, then they potentially qualify under the Skilled Worker category. The six factors are:
- Education (25 points)
- Language Skills (English and French) (28 points)
- Work Experience (15 points)
- Age (12 points)
- Arranged Employment (10 points)
- Adaptability (10 points)
The rules for determining what scores will be awarded under the above categories are complicated and depend on various factors. If you would like our office to calculate whether you meet the pass mark under the point system and are otherwise qualified as a Skilled Worker, please complete the Introductory form.